Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 153. Sayı (Eylül 2012)

1KAPAK KONUSU -MAKALE 4. Notlar Araştırmacıların hava perdesi hava akış boyutlandırma prosedürü, acil durumda, ASHRAE yöntemine kıyasla daha tedbirseldir (hava akışı %20-30% daha fazladır). Buna ilave olarak, içeri hava akışı dışarı hava akışını dengeler ve çıkış yollarında güvenliği arttırır. Referanslar [1] NFPA, 1995. NFPA 92 8. Gulde tor smoke management systems in malis, atr/a and /arge areas. Qulncy, Mass: Natlonaı Fire Protectlon Assoclatıon. [2] Klote J.H. and J.A. Milke, 1992. Oes/gn of smoke management systems. Atlanta, ASHRAE: Amer/can Society of heating, Refrlgeratlng and Air- Cond/tloning Engineers ine. [3] Tamura G. T., 1995. Smoke movement and control in high-rlse buildlngs. Qulncy, Mass, NFPA: Natlonaı Fire Protectlon Assoclatlon. [4] Yamana T. and T. Tanaka, 1985. Smoke control in ıarge spaces. Fire selence 5: 41-54. [5] Hanse/1 G.O. and H.P. Morgan, 1994. Oes/gn approaches tor smoke control in atrium buildlngs. BR-258. Garston, U.K., BRE: Building Research Establlshment. [6] Santarp/a L., Gugliermetti F., 2002. Smoke movement and management in /arges spaces. Heat and Technology (Vol. 1). - /nternatlonal Journal of heat and technotogy. [7] Santarpla L Gugl/ermetti F., 2000. Alr curtains to reduce outdoor pollutants lnfiltratlon through buildlngs aperture. Proc of lntren Conf. HB2000, Helsinki, August 5-10. [8] Santarpia L. Gugllermetti F., 1999. A phenomenological approach to the performance ot shutter type air curtains Proc. Of Air pollution 99, 27-29 Ju/y, San Franclsco. 1 YANGIN ve GÜVENLİK SAYI 153 46 Tablo 6. Tasarım Sonuçları ASHRAE Ayarlar: Derlnllk Yüzey E= 0.3 0.3 f= 10 10 d= - - r = - - M H= 3,2 2,7 T = 25 25 T = 200 200 Tem = 200 200 Hesaplama: d= H, = 0.32 0.27 Po = 1 .18 1 . 1 8 Pa = Pın = 0.75 0,75 Pm = 0.968 0.968 L:ıpmox= 6.74 5.7 V -JIB ·6.p·f - ,. - �o . P, • . E - 23,4 21 .5 vm =3v_.. p'" - r v' .!:!..ıı.. p V;,, = M "' ı_ 111 = - - d. P,. G,. =3600-v,, -d= 26944 20883 L= 4 7,2 8n.ıoı "" 108000 150000 Goo, "" 155000 20000 .6.G = Goo,-Gnıoı = 47000 50000 [9] KtoteJ.H., 1994. Methodofpredicting smoke movement in atrla with application to smoke management. NIST-5516. Gaithersburg, NIST: Nationaı ınstitute of Standards and Techno/ogy. [10] Klote J.H., 1997/1. Prediction of smoke movement in Atria: Part f Physical concepts. Ashrae Transactions: 103(2). [11] Klote J.H., 1997/2. Prediction of smoke movement in Atria: Part I/Apptication to smoke management. Ashrae Transactions: 103(2). Araştırmacıların model! Derlnllk Yüzey Birim - - - - 0.6 0.6 m 32 32 3,2 2.7 m 25 25 ·c 200 200 ·c 200 200 ·c m 1 . 18 1 . 18 kg/m3 0.75 0.75 kg/m3 0.968 0.968 kg/m3 6,74 5.7 Pa - - m/S l .74 1 .60 m/s 22,4 18,9 m/s 32256 27216 m3/h x m 4 7,2 m 1 29000 1 96000 m3/h 155000 20000 m3/h 26000 4000 m3/h [12] Heskestad G., 1988. Fire PlumesHandbook of fire protection engineering. Boston, Mass, SFPE: Soclety of Fire Protection Engineers [13] ASHRAE HVAC Appl/cation Handbook, 1999. Handbook Edltor, ASHRAE, 1791. Tullie Circ/e, Atfanta. [14] Santarpia L Gugllermettı F., Zor/ G. Oynamic efficiency of air curtaln systems. HEFAT2005, 4th lnternational Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanlcs and Thermodynamics. 19-23 September 2005, Cairo, Egypt. ■