Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 158. Sayı (Nisan 2013)
YANGIN - MAKALE 80 YANGIN ve GÜVENL ø K SAYI 158 (a) Test edilen B1 kiri ú i (b) Test edilen B4 kiri ú i û ekil 8. FRP’nin yang × n sonras × davran × ü × dü ü ürmeye yönelik her türlü tedbirin artan gerilim gücüne katk × s × olmamas × d × r. Bu durum û ekil 9 ’da gösterilmi ü tir. Burada, parametrik çal × ü malardan elde edilmi ü olan demir çubuk × s × s × ve denk gelen sünme gücü oran × (fy,r /fy,20), 3 saatlik yang × n boyunca yal × t × m kal × nl × ù × n × n bir fonksiyonu olarak i ü aretlenmi ü tir. Yal × t × m kal × nl × ù × n × n 0’dan 15 mm’ye ç × kart × lmas × n × n maksimum fayday × sa ù lad × ù × ve bu kal × n- l × ù × n ötesinde, marjinal faydan × n giderek azald × ù × görülmektedir. 40 mm’lik opti- mum kal × nl × ù × n ötesinde, yal × t × m kal × nl × ù × n × artt × rman × n bir faydas × olmamaktad × r. Yukar × daki vaka çal × ü mas × , belirli bir yang × n direnci için FRP destekli demirli kiri ü lerde optimal yal × t × m ü emalar × n × n geli ü tirilmesi anlam × nda modelin kullan × labilirli ù ini ortaya koymaktad × r. Bu makalede tarif edilen gibi say × sal modeller, uygulama- c × lar × n belirli bir yang × n direnç uygulamas × için optimum bir yang × n yal × t × m yöntemi elde etmelerine yard × mc × olacakt × r. Binalarda yang × n direnç stratejileri olu ü - turma anlam × nda bu makalede belirtilen ara ü t × rman × n tipik uygulamas × û ekil 11 ’de gösterilmi ü tir. Referanslar 1. Kodur, V., Bisby, A. and Green, M. FRP Retrofitted Concrete Under Fire Conditions. Concrete International, 2006. 28 (12), p. 37-44. 2. ACI 440, Guide for the Design And Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems For Strengthening Concrete Structures, American Concrete Institute Farmington Hills, MI, 2008. û ekil 11. Demirli beton kiri ü leri güçlendirmek için karbon fiber ile güçlendirilmi ü karbon fiber uygulamas × 3. Ahmed, A. and Kodur, V. Factors Governing Fire Resistance of FRP- Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams in Composite & Polycon, American Composites Manufactu- rers Association (ACMA). Las Vegas, NV, 2010. 4. Kodur, V. & Harmathy, T. “Properties of building materials”: SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 4th edition, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 2008. 5. Deuring, M., Brandversuche An Nachtraglich Verstarkten Tragern Aus Beton, in Research Report EMPA No. 148,795. Swiss Federal Labo- ratories for Materials Testing and Research: Dubendorf, Switzerland, 1994. 6. Blontrock, H., L. Taerwe, and P. Vandevelde. Fire Tests On Concre- te Beams Strengthened With Fibre Composite Laminates in Third PhD Symposium. Vienna, Austria, 2000. 7. Barnes, R. and Fidell, J. Performance in Fire of Small-Scale CFRP Streng- thened Concrete Beams. Journal of Composites for Construction, 10: p. 503-508, 2006. 8. Williams, B., Kodur, V., Green, M. and Bisby, L. Fire Endurance of Fiber- Reinforced Polymer Strengthened Concrete T-Beams. ACI Structural Journal, 105(1): p. 60-67, 2008. 9. Kodur, V. & Ahmed, A., “Behavior of FRP-strengthened reinforced conc- rete beams exposed to design fire scenarios”, Proceedings of 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, National Science Foundation, Washington, 2010. 10. ACI 318, Building Code Require- ments for Reinforced Concrete and Commentary. American Concre- te Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2008. 11. Deuring, M., Verst rken von Stahlbe- ton mit gespannten Faserverbund- wekstoffen. (Post-Strengthening of Concrete Structures with Pretensio- ned Advanced Composites), EMPA Research Rep. No. 224, Dubendorf, Switzerland, 1993. 12. ASTM E119, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2001. 13. Ahmed, A., Kodur, V. Performance of FRP-strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams under Design Fire Exposure in Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Structures in Fire. East Lansing, MI, 2010. 14. Eurocode 2, EN 1992-1-2: Design of concrete structures. Part 1-2: General rules - Structural fire design. European Committee for Standar- dization: Brussels, Belgium. 2004. 15. Kodur, V. and Ahmed, A. A Nu- merical Model For Tracing The Response Of FRP-Strengthened Re- inforced Concrete Beams Exposed To Fire. ASCE Journal of Composites, 2010.
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