Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 185. Sayı (Eylül 2016)

KAPAK KONUSU - MAKALE YANGIN ve GÜVENL ø K SAYI 185 38 olarak, daha çok tercih edilmektedir. Bu hedefe eri ü mek amaçl × olarak hava/ duman h × z × n × n güvenilir olarak ölçüle- bilmesi ve fanlar × n kontrol edilebilmesi gerekmektedir. Bunun kar ü × l × ù × nda, al- g × lay × c × lar × n düzenli olarak test edilme- leri (i ü levsellik ve güvenilirlik aç × s × ndan) gereksinimi otomatik olarak ortaya ç × k- makta ve alg × lama, devreye sokma ve fanlar × kontrol etme aç × s × ndan yang × n havaland × rma sistemleri de düzenli ola- rak kontrol edilmelidir. Ancak, her ne kadar kurulan teknik alt yap × daha önceki y × llarda kullan × lan- lara göre çok daha karma ü × k olsa da, yol trafik alt yap × s × nda gereksinimlerin artmas × nedeniyle bak × m ve testler için ayr × lan süre her geçen gün daha da k × salmaktad × r. Bu nedenledir ki sistemin gerekli görüldü ù ü o nadir anlardan bi- rinde güvenlik zincirinin bir eleman × nda görülen ar × za, istenen sonucun al × nama- mas × riskini do ù urmaktad × r. Bu nedenle, ya sistemler daha basitle ü tirilmeli ya da güvenlik ekipmanlar × n × n bak × m ve testleri için daha çok yat × r × m yap × lmal × d × r. Referanslar [ 1] PIARC, Report to the XXth World Road Congress, Montreal (Cana- da-Québec), PIARC Committee on Road Tunnels, report 20.05. B, 1995. [2] PIARC, Fire and Smoke Control in Road Tunnels, PIARC Commit- tee on Road Tunnels Operation (C5), report 05.05. B-1999, ISBN: 2-84060-064-1,1999. [3] PIARC, Systems and Equipment for Fire and Smoke Control, PIARC Committee on Road Tunnels Ope- ration (C3.3), report 05.16. B-2006, ISBN: 2-84060- 175-3, 2007. [4] PIARC, Operational Strategies for Emergency Ventilation, PIARC Committee on Road Tunnels Ope- ration (C3.3), report 2011-R02, ISBN: 2-84060-234-2, 2011. [5] European Commission, Directive 2004/54/EC of the European Parli- ament and of the Council on Mini- mum Safety Requirements for Tun- nels in the Trans European Road Network, 29 th April 2004. [6] RVS 09.02.31, Tunnel, tunnel equ- ipment, ventilation, basic prin- ciples, Forschungsgemeinschaft Straße, Schiene, Verkehr, Wien, 2014. [7] RABT, Richtlinien für die Ausstat- tung und den Betrieb von Straßen- tunneln, Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen, Arbeitsgruppe Verkehrsführung und Verkehrssicherheit, 2006. [8] ASTRA; Lüftung der Strassentunnel, Systemwahl, Dimensionierung und Ausstattung, Ausgabe 2008 V2.01, Bundesamt für Strassen, Abteilung Strassennetze, Bern, CH, www.ast- ra.ch , 2008. [9] F. Zumsteg, U. Steinemann, M. Berner, Ventilation and distance of emergency exits in steep bi-direc- tional tunnels, Proceedings of the 6 th Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Ventilation, Graz, Austria, 23- 25 April, 2012, pp. 273-280 ISBN: 978-3-85125-210-1. [10] F. Zumsteg, U. Steinemann, C. Jo- seph, Tunnel safety by ventilation— an illusion? Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Ventilation, Graz, Austria, 3-4 May, 2010, pp. 5-11 ISBN: 9783- 85125106-7. [11] P. Sturm, C. Forster, B. Kohl, M. Bacher, Impact of quick incident detection on safety in terms of ventilation response, Procee- dings of the 2 nd Symposium on Tunnels and ITS, Bergen, Norway, 18-20 September, 2013. http:// www.its-norway.no/ikbViewer/Con- tent/881733/14%20Sturm_Graz_ TU.pdf. [12] P. Sturm, M. Beyer, M. Bacher, G. Schmölzer, The influence of pres- sure gradients on ventilation de- sign-special focus on upgrading long tunnels, Proceedings of the 6 th Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Ventilation, Graz, Austria, 23- 25 April, 2012, pp. 90-99 ISBN: 978-3-85125-210-1. [13] P. Sturm, M. Bacher, R. Brandt, Evolving needs of tunnel ventilati- on in a changing world, Procee- dings of the 4 th Symposium on Tun- nel Safety and Ventilation, Graz, Austria, 21-23 April, 2008, pp. 8-21 ISBN: 978-3-85125-008-4. [14] R.A. Almbauer, P. Sturm, M. Bac- her, G. Pretterhofer, Simulation of ventilation and smoke movement, Proceedings of the 2 nd Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Ventilation, Graz, Austria, 19-21 April, 2004, pp. 32-38 ISBN: 3-901351-95-7. 8 P. Sturm ve Ba ü kalar × . /Yang × n Gü- venli ù i Vaka Çal × ü mas × xxx (2015) xxx- xxx [15] ASTRA, Airflow measurements in road tunnels, Forschungsauftrag ASTRA 2010/025_OBF auf Ant- rag des Bundesamt für Strassen (ASTRA), Bern, CH, www.astra.ch , 2011. [16] F. Zumsteg, U. Steinemann, Venti- lation of short road tunnels in case of an incident, Conference “Tun- nel Safety and Ventilation”, Graz, 2006. [17] M. Bettelini, N. Seifert, On the sa- fety of short road tunnels, Confe- rence, “Tunnel Safety and Ventilati- on”, Graz, 2010.