Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 30. Sayı (Mart-Nisan 1997)

sız / en iyisi Trimeks' ı. arayın; .... I Panasonic Closed Circuit Video Equipment C/osed Circuit TV Systems Access Control and T&A Systems '>t ,,l'x..>"', PEFIPRO Perimeıer Protecl ionTechnologies Perimeter Protection and CCTV Systems Perimeter Protection Systems . "' Trimeks SeEur "Specialist in Perimeter Protection" \� 0216. 380 79 22 - 384 12 41 - 410 71 64 - 410 71 6 ------�.r:..-:ı�---�·---'-----'......_,,,�N---=-�u..,.,:..-WT,i__��t, , ' \ ' \ • lll>Jılıırlllll�ıı� uı:ııuıcı� � .. ,,.