The ASX Range...designed to extend the thresholds of detection. Intelllgence, styllsh low-proflle good looks and an extended senslttvfty range are Just some of ttıe many features that make HOCHIKl's new ASX Range of sensors a slgnlflcant breakthrough in srnoke detection. • Low profile: one-piece modern shallowprofile shape. • llnlque 'flat Response' Technology: photoelectric sensing with new 'flat response' technology extends detection sensitivity over a wider ıange..olcombustible materials... a useful cost-saving feature as the need for ionisation sensors - and their associated disposal problems - is removed in the majority ofapplications. Susceptibility to false alarms is also minimised, because the sensing threshold level can be increased. • Intelllgent 'ESi'': Ali ASX products are fully supported by ESP - the ultra-intelligent noiseimmune E.nhanced System Protocol - for high level data security. Address-setting is easy with the ASX handheld programmer so there are no irksome DiL switches to set. • Compattble products: the ASX Range ofAnalogue Fire Sensors - f'eaturing electronics-free bases, disposable chambers, twin alarm LE.Ds, antitamper locking mechanism and contamination compensation - is fully compatible with Hochiki's established AS product range. • Developed with ttıe deslgner in mlnd: Hochiki's reliable, time-saving sôlutions make ttıe ASX range the No. 1 choice for system designers. ~E HDCI-IIKI World Class Le.ıders in Fire Detectlon tor over 75 ye.ırs 15