Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 42. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 1999)

BSI No Kodu Yıl 1 . B5 EN 54-2 1 998 2. B5 4422:Part 3 1990 3. B5 EN 615 ·ı 995 - 4. B5 5499:Paıt 1 : 1990 - 5. DO 240:Paıt 1: ·1997 - 6. B5 5588:Part O: 1996 - 7. B5 476:Part 1 O: 1983 8. B5 476:Part 6: ·ı 989 - 9. B5 EN 60695-5-·ı : ·ı 993 - 10. B5 476:Part 20: 1987 - 1 1 . B5 476:Part 3: 1975 - 12. B5 5839:Part 3: 1988 - 13. B5 EN 54 - 14. B5 EN 27201 - 15. B5 150 10294-1: 1996 - 16. B5 150 10294 - 17. B5 EN 54-4: 1998 - 18. B5 EN 54-7: 1996 - 19. B5 4422:Part 4: 1 994 20. B5 EN 27201-2: 1994 - 21. hyclrocarbons. 22. B5 EN 27201 -·ı : 1994 - 23. B5 EN 60695-5 - STANDARTLARI Konu . . LiSTESi Fire detection and fire alamı systenıs. Control and indicating equipnıent Glossary of ternıs associated with fire. Fire cletection ancl alarm foe protection. Fire extinguishing nıeclia. 5pecifications for powclers (other than class D powclers) Fire safety signs, notices and graphic synıbols. 5pecification for fire safety signs Fire safety engineeı·ing in builclings. Guicle to the application of fire safety engineering principle Fire precautions in the clesign, construction ancl use of builclings. Cuicle to fiı·e safety codes of p Fire tests on builcling nıaterials ancl structures. Guicle to the principles ancl application of fire t Fire tests on builcling nıaterials ancl structures. Methocl of test for fire propagation for proclucts Fire hazarcl testing. Assessnıent of potential corrosion clanıage by fire effluent. General guidance Fire Lests on builcling nıateı·ials ancl structures. Melhocl for cletermination of Lhe fire resistance o Fire tests on builcling mateı·ials ancl structures. Extemal fire exposure roof test Fire detection ancl alarm systenıs for builclings. 5pecification for automatic release mechanisnıs for Fi,-e cletection ancl fire alamı systems Fire protection. Fiı"e extinguishing meclia. Halogenatecl hyclrocarbons Fire-resistance tests. Fire clanıpers for air clistribution systems. Test rnethocl Fire-resistance tests. Fire clarnpers for air distribution systerns Fiı-e cletection ancl fire alarm systerns. Power supply equipment Fire cletection ancl fiı-e alarm systems. lntrocluction Glossary of ternıs associatecl with fire. Fire extinguishing equipnıent Fire protection. Fire extinguishing rneclia. Halogenatecl Cocle of practice for safe hancl Fire protection. Fire extinguishing rneclia. Halogenatecl hyclrocarbons. 5pecifications for halon 1211 Fire hazard testing. Assessrnent of potential corrosion damage by fire effluent Yangın ve Güvenlik il Sayı 42 Ocak Şubat'99 ---------------- 1 n f, 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 ı 1 e 1 1 1 n 1 ' ; 1 1 ı: 1 i l