BSI No Kodu Yıl 24. BS EN 60695-7-1 '1996 25. BS EN 60695-7 - 26. BS EN 60695-4 1 996 27. BS EN 6O695-·ı -·ı 1996 28. BS EN 60695-1 29. BS 5499:Part 3 1990 30. BS 5499:Part 2 1986 31. BS 476:Part 32 '1 989 32. BS 476:Part 24 1 987 33. BS 476:Paıt 22 1 987 34. BS 476:Part 2·1 1987 35. BS 476:Part 8 1972 36. BS 5268:Part 4 ·1 973 37. BS 53O6:Paıt 3 ·I 9s5 38. BS 53O6:Part 6 ·I9s9 39. BS 5588:Paıt 1 1990 40. BS EN 60695-2-2 1 995 41. BS EN 25923 1994 42. BS 5268:Part 4 ·1 990 43. BS IEC 60695-10-2 1995 STANDARTLARI Konu . . LiSTESi Fire hazarcl testiııg. Guidaııce on the mininıization of toxic hazarcls clue to fires involving electro Fire hazaı·cl testing. Guiclance on the rninirnization of toxic hazarcls due to fires involving electmtechııic Fiı-e hazarcl testing. Ternıinology coııcerning fire tests Fire hazarcl testing. Guiclance foı· assessing fire hazarcl of electrotechııical proclucts. General gui Fire hazarcl testing. Guiclance for assessing fire hazarcl of electrotechnical proclucts Fire safety sigııs, notices ancl graphic synıbols. Specification for internally-illurninatecl fiı-e safe Fire safety signs, notices ancl graphic syrnbols. Specification for selflunıinous fire safety signs Fire tests on builcling nıaterials ancl structures. Guicle to ful[ scale fire tests within builclings Fire tests on builcling rnaterials ancl structures. Methocl for cleterıııination of the fire resistance o Fire tests on builcling rnaterials and structures. Methocls for cleternıination of the fire resistance Fire tests on building nıateı·ials ancl structures. Methocls for cleternıination of the fire resistance Fire tests on building nıaterials and structures. Test rnethocls ancl criteria for the fire resistance Structural use of tinıbeı: Fire resistance of tinıbeı· structures. Recornrnenclations foı· ca Fire extinguishing installations ancl equipnıent on prernises. Cocle of practice far selection, instal Fiı-e extinguishing installations ancl equiprnent on prernises. Foam systenıs. Specificatio Fiı-e precautions iıı the clesign, construction aııcl use of builclings. Cocle of practice for resicleııtia Fire hazarcl testi ııg. Test rnethocls. Neeclle-flame test Fire extiııguishing nıeclia. Carbon clioxicle Structural use of tirnber. Fire resistance of timber structures. Recornrnenclations far ca Fire hazarcl testing. Guiclance aııcl test methocls for the nıinirnization of the effects of abııornıal Yangın ve Giivenlik m Sayı 42 Ocak Şubat'99 ---------------- -