Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 42. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 1999)

BSI No Kodu Yıl 44. BS IEC 60695-1 O - 45. BS 5839:Part 6: 1995 46. BS 5306:Paıt O: 1986 47. BS 5588:Paıt 11: 1997 48. BS 5588:Part 9: '1989 49. BS 5306:Part 4: ' 1 986 50. BS 5839:Part 1 : '1988 51. BS 5588:Paıt 7: 1997 52. BS 5306:Part 1 : '1976 53. BS 5041 :Part 3: '1 975 54. BS 476:Part 33: 1993 - 55. BS 476:Part 31 1983 56. BS 476:Part 23 : 1987 - 57. BS EN 60695-2-4/0: 1993 58. OD ENV 60695-2-4/2:' I 996 59. BS EN 60695-2-4/1: 1993 60. BS EN 60695-2-1/3: 1996 61. BS EN 60695-2-1/1: 1 997 STANDARTLARI Konu . . LiSTESi Fire lıazarcl testing. Guiclance ancl test rnetlıocls for tlıe rniniınization of tlıe effects of abnornıal lıeat on Fire cletection ancl alarnı systerns for builclings. Cocle of practice for tlıe cl esign ancl i ııstal latioıı o Fire extinguislıing installations ancl equipnıeııt on prenıises. Guicl e for tlıe selection of installecl s Fiı·e precautions in tlıe clesign, constı-uction ancl use of builclings. Cocle of practice for slıops, of Fire pı·ecautions in tlıe clesign, construction ancl use of builclings. Cocle of practice for ventilatio Fire extinguislıing installations ancl equipnıent on prenıises. Specification for carbon clioxicle syste Fire cletection ancl alarm systeıns for builclings. Cocl e of practice for systenı clesign, installation a Fi ı·e precautions in tlıe clesign, construction ancl use of builclings. Cocle of practice fm Llıe incorp Fi ı·e extiııguislıiııg iııstallations ancl equi prnent on prenıises. Hyclrant systenıs, hose reels and foanıi Fiı·e hyclı·ant systenıs equipnıent. Specifıcation for inlet breeclıiııgs for clıy riseı· inlets Fiı'e tests on builcling nıaterials ancl structures. Full-scale roorn test foı· surface proclucts Fire tests on builcling nıaterials ancl structures. Methods for rneasuring srnoke penetrat Fire tests on building rnaterials ancl structures. Methocls for cleterminatioıı of the coııtributioıı of Fi re hazarcl testing. Test metlıocls. Diffusion type ancl prernixecl type flarne test nıethocls Fire hazarcl testing. Test nıethocls. 500 W nominal test flanıes ancl guidance Fiı·e lıazarcl testing. Test metlıocls. 1 kW nominal pre-ınixecl test flame ancl guiclance Fire lıazaı·cl testing. Test rnetlıocls. Glow-wire ignitability test on ıııaterials Fire hazard testing. Test ıııetlıocls. Glow-wire end-procl uct test ancl guidance Yangın ve Güvenlik il Sayı 42 Ocak Şubat'99 --------------- - 1