Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 42. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 1999)

BSI No Kodu Yıl 62. BS EN 60695-2-1/0: 1 997 63. BS EN 60695-2-'l/2: 1996 64. BS EN 60695-2 65. BS EN 60695 66. BS EN 2591 -31 8 1998 67. BS EN 1869 1997 68. BS IEC 60695-2-20: 1995 69. BS IEC 60695-2 70. BS IEC 6069 71. BS 1S0/TR 14697 1997 72. BS 1S0/TR 12470 1998 73. ss ıso 10093 1 994 74. BS EN ıso 7840 1 995 75. ss ıso 7203-2 ·1 995 76. ss ıso 7203-1 1995 77. ss ıso 7203 78. BS ıso TR 5925-2 ·1 997 79. BS ıso TR 5925 80. OD 240:Part 2 1997 81. OD 240 82. OD 36 1974 83. CP 3013 1974 84. CP 153:Part 4 1972 85. CP 95 ·ı 970 86. BS 6535:Paıt 3 '1 989 87. BS 6535:Part 2 '1989 88. BS 6535: Part 2 STANDARTLARI Konu . . LiSTESi Fire hazard testing. Test nıetlıods. Glow-wi ı·e test nıetlıods. General Fire lıazarcl testing. Test nıetlıods. Glow-wire f\anınıability test on nıaterials Fire lıazard testing. Test nıetlıods Fire lıazard testi ng Elenıents of electrical and optical connection. Test nıetlıocls. Fire-resistance Fire blankets Fire hazard testing. Glowing/Hot wi ı·e based test nıetlıods. Hot-wi ı·e coi l ignitability test on nıa Fiı·e lıazarcl testing. Glowi ng/Hot wire basecl test nıetlıods Fire lıazard testing Fire tests. Guiclance on tlıe clıoice of substrates for building pmducts Fiı·e resistance tests. Guidance on tlıe application and extension of results Plastics. Fiı·e tests. Standard i gnition sources Snıall craft. Fire resistant fuel lıoses Fire extinguislıing nıeclia. Foanı concentrates. Specification foı· nıecliunı ancl lıiglı expansion foanı conce Fire extinguislıing nıeclia. Foanı concentrates. Specificati on for low expansi on foanı concentrates for Fire extinguishing nıedia. Foam concentrates Fire tests. Smoke control cloor ancl slıutteı· assemblies. Commentary on test metlıod ancl test clata a Fire tests. Smoke control cloor and shutter assenıbl ies Fire safety engineering in builclings. Cornnıentary on tlıe equations given in Paıt 1 Fire safety engineering in builclings Fi ı·e tests on builcling materials ancl structures: nıeasurenıent of tlıe optical density of smoke producecl by sm Fi re precautions in clıenıical plant Windows ancl moflights. Fire lıazards associatecl witlı glazing in buil cl ings Fi re protection for electronic clata processing installati ons Fire extinguislıing nıedia. Specification for powcler Fire extinguishing meclia. Halons. Cocle of practice for safe lıanclling and transfer proc Fire exti nguislıing nıeclia. Halons Yangın ve Güvenlik m Sayı 42 Ocak Şubat'99 --------------- - --- � = - i L 1 1