. . BSI STANDARTLARI LiSTESi BSI STANDARTS LIST No Kodu Yıl Konu 1 21 . BS 476:Part 15 ·1993 Fire tests on builcling nıaterials ancl structures. Methocl for nıeasuriııg the ı·ate of heat ı·elease of 1 22. BS 476:Part 13 '1987 Fiı·e tests on builcling nıaterials aııcl stı·uctmes. Methocl of measming the ignitability of procl ucts ·ı 23. BS 476:Part ·ı 2 ·199·1 Fire tests on builcliııg materials ancl structures. Melhocl of tesl foı· ignitability of proclucts by eli 1 24. BS 476:Part 1·1 1982 Fire tests on builcling mateı·ials ancl structures. Methocl for assessing the heat emission from builcl 1 25. BS 476:Part 7 ·1 997 Fire tests on builcling materials ancl structures. Methocl of test to cleternıine the classification of ·ı 26. BS 476:Paı·t 4 1 970 Fire tests on builcling materials ancl structLıı-es. Non-combustibility test for mater i als 1 27. BS 476 Fiı·e tests on builcling materials ancl structures '128. BS 459:Part 3 ' 195'1 Specification for wooclen clooı·s. Fire-check flush cloors ancl woocl ancl metal fraıııes (half-hour ancl one ·ı 29. BS !SO TR 9122-4-1993 Toxicity testing of fire effluents. The fire ıııoclel (furnaces ancl combustion apparatus used in sm 1 30. PD 65'12:Part 3 1987 Use of elemenls of stı·uctural fire protection with particulaı· refeı·ence to the reconınıendations giv 1 31 . BS G 241 1 988 Specification for fiı·e pı-oof electric cables foı- engine fire zone ancl airframe use ·ı 32. BS 5445:Part 9 '1984 Conıpoııents of automatic fire cletection systems. Methods of test of sensitivity to fire 1 33. BS 4422:Part 2 '1990 Glossary of ternıs associatecl with fire. Structural fire protection : J4, BS 4422:Part 1 '1987 Glossaı·y of terıııs associated with fire. General terms and phenomena of fire 1 35. BS EN 3-4 '1 996 Poı-table fire extinguishers. Chaı·ges, minimum requirecl fire 1 36. BS ıso TR 9·1 22-5-'I993 Toxicity testing of fiı-e effluents. Precl iction of toxic effects of fire effluents 1 37. BS ıso TR 9·122-3-'I 99J Toxicity testing of fiı-e effluents. Methods for the analysis of gases ancl vapours in fire efflue 1 38. BS 7327:Part ·ı '1 990 Sıııall fixed fire extinguishers. Specification foı· snıall fixecl balon fiı-e extinguishers 139 . BS EN 2997-1'1 1997 Connectors, electrical, ciınılar, coupled by threacled ring, fiı-e-ı·esistant or 11011 fire-resistaııt, o 1 40. BSEN2997-10 1997 Connectors, electrical, circulaı·, couplecl by thı·eaclecl ring, fiı-e-resistant or 11011 fire-resistant, o Yangın ve Güvenlik il Sayı 43 Mart - Nisan'99 ---------------- --- -- - - - - - - - = - - - - -