Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 43. Sayı (Mart-Nisan 1999)

. . BSI STANDARTLARI LiSTESi BSI STANDARTS LIST No Kodu Yıl Konu 141 . BS EN 2997-9 ·1 997 Connectors, electrical, circulaı·, coupled by threaded ı·ing, fire-resistant oı· non fire-resistant, op "1 42. BS EN 2997-8 1997 Connectors, electı·ical, circular, couplecl by threacled ring, fire-resistant or 11011 fire-resistant, op 143 . BS EN 2997-7 ·1997 Connectoı·s, electrical, circular, coupled by threacled ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, op � 144. BS EN 2997-6 ·1997 Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled by threaclecl ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, op -- 145. BS EN 2997-5 ·1997 Connectoı-s, electrical, ci ınılar, couplecl by threaded ı·i ng, fi re-resistant or non fire-resistant, op 1 46. BS EN 2997-4 1997 Connectoı·s, electrical, circular, coupled by threadecl ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, op 1 47. BS EN 2997-3 ·1997 Connectors, electric;:ıl, ciınılar, couplecl by threadecl ring, fire-resistanl or non fire-resistant, op 1 48. BS EN 2997-2 ·1997 Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled by threaclecl ı·ing, fire-resistanl oı- non fire-resistant, op 149. BS EN 2997-·ı ·1 997 Connectors, electı·i cal, ci rcular, couplecl by threaclecl ring, fire-ı·esistant oı· non fire-resistant, op ., 50. BS EN 2997 Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled by threadecl ring, fire-ı·esistant or non fire-resistant, operating 1 51. DD ENV 1259-3 1997 Single burner gas fireci overhead radi ant tube heaters ancl non-cloıııestic gas-fired overheacl luıııinous 1 52. DD ENV 1259-2 · ı 997 Single burner gas fireci overhead radiant tube heaters ancl non-doıııestic gas-firecl overheacl luıııinous 1 53 . DD ENV 1259-1 1994 Single burneı· gas fireci overhead ı·acliant tube heaters ancl 11011-cloıııestic gas-firecl overheacl luıııinous ·ı 54. DD ENV 1259 Single burneı· gas fireci overheacl racliant tube heaters ancl 11011-donıesti c gas-firecl overheacl lunıinous racliant 1 55 . BS EN 3-6 1996 Portable fiı-e extinguishers. Provisions for the attestation of confornıity of portable fire extinguisher 1 56. BS EN 3-1 1996 Poıtable fire extinguishers. Description, duration of operation, class A ancl B fire test -- 157. DD 180 1989 Guicle for the assessnıent of toxic hazards in fiı-e in builclings ancl transport Yangın ve Güvenlik m Sayı 43 Mart • Nisan'99 ---------------- I - - - - -- 1 1