B51 (İngiliz Standartları Enstitüsü) • • STANDARTLARI LiSTESi How BSJ (Britislı Standarts Jnstitute) Standarts List 111. Bölüm 3rdPart Soıı 2 sayıdır yaymladığııııız BSI (İngiliz Standartları Eııstitüsü) Standartları Listesi'ııin 158-219 ıwnuıraları arasuulald staııdartlarmı bu sayımızda yayınlamaya ,tevam ediyoruz. We 110w pııblislı tlıe tlıird part of tlıe BSI (Britislı Staııdarts Jııstitute) Staııdarts List ııuıııbers fi·om 158 to 219, tlıe .first aıul t/ıe secoııd part of wlıiclı lıad been pııblislıed iıı tlıe previous issııe. . . BSI STANDARTLARI LiSTESi No Kodu 158. BS 8214 1 59. BS 6643: Part 2 160. BS 6643:Part 1 1 61 . B5 6643 162. BS 6203 Yıl 1990 1985 1985 1 991 163. BS 2599 1 955 164. BS 1307 ·ı 946 165. BS 150 TR 9122-6 1994 166. PO 6512:Part 1 1985 Konu Code of practice for fire door asseınblies with non-ınetallic leaves Recharging fire extinguishers (ınanufactured to BS 5423 'Specification for portable fire extinguish Recharging fire extinguishers (ınanufactured to BS 5423 'Specification for portable fire extinguish Recharging fire extinguishers (ınanufactured to BS 5423 'Specif i cation for portable fire extinguishers') Guide to fire characteristics and fire perfornıance of expandecl polystyrene ınaterials usecl in building app Flax canvas unlinecl hose for fire-fighting and fire protection Gas-fired boilers and waste-heat boilers (with or without auxiliary firing) Toxicity testing of fire effluents. Guidance for regulators and specifiers on the assessınent of Use of elenıents of structural fire protection with particular reference to the reconıınendations giv --------------- Yangın ve Güvenlik m Sayı 44 Mayıs-Haziran '99 --------------- 1 • -- - - -