Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 44. Sayı (Mayıs-Haziran 1999)

BSI STANDARTLARI LİSTESİ / BSI STANDARTS LIST No Kodu 186. BS 7629 187. BS 7273:Part 2 188. BS 6798 189. BS 6755:Part 2 190. BS 6336 191. BS 6332:Part 2 192. BS 6230 193. BS 5986 194. BS 5978:Part 2 195. BS 5950:Part 8 196. BS 5871 : Part 1 197. BS 5502:Part 23 198. BS 5258:Part 17 199. BS 5258:Part 16 200. BS 5258:Part 5 20·1. BS 4834 202. BS 3169 203. BS 1635 Yıl 1 992 1987 1 987 1 998 1983 ·1 99·1 1980 1989 1990 ·ı 991 ·1 990 1992 199·1 1989 1 990 1986 '1 990 Konu Specification for 300/500 V fire resistant electric cables having low enıis sion of smoke and corrosive gases wh Code of practice for the operation of fire protection nıeasures. Mechanical actuation of gaseous to Specification for installation of gas-fired hot water boilers of ratecl inpul nol exceeding 60 kW Testing of valves. Specification for fire type-testing requirenıents Cuide to the clevelopment of fire tests, the presentation of test data and the role of tests in hazard ass Thermal perfornıance of donıestic gas appliances. Specification for ther mal perfornıance of gas fires Specification for installation of gas-fi recl forcecl convection air lıeaters for comnıercial ancl inclustrial Specification for electrical safety ancl performance of gas fireci space heat ing appliances with inputs 60 Safety ancl performance of gas-firecl hot water boilers (60 kW to 2 MW input). Specification for adcl Structural use of steelwork in building. Code of practice for fire resistant design Specification for installation of gas f i res, convectoı· heaters, fire/back boil ers ancl clecoı-ative Buildings and structures for agriculture. Code of practice for fire precau tions Safety of clonıestic gas appliances. Specification for direct gas-fiı-ecl tumble dryers (2nd ancl 3rd Safety of clonıestic gas appliances. Specification for inset live fuel effect gas fires (2nd ancl 3rd) Safety of clomestic gas appliances. Specification for gas fires Specification for inset open fires without convection with or without boil ers, burning solicl mineral fuel Specification for first aicl reel hoses for fire-fighting purposes Reconınıendations for graphic synıbols ancl abbreviations for fire pmtec tion dı·awings Yangın ve Giivenlik m Sayı 44 Mayıs-Haziran '99 ---------------