Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 44. Sayı (Mayıs-Haziran 1999)

BSI STANDARTLARI LİSTESİ / BSI STANDARTS LIST No Kodu 204. BS ·ı 502 205. HB 101'19 - "16th 206. BS EN 61·100 207. BS EN 31426 208. BS EN 22592 209. BS EN 12244-2 210. BS EN '12244-1 211. BS EN ·ı 2244 Yıl 1 982 1 993 1994 '1 994 '1 998 1 998 2·12. OD ENV 1992-1-2 ·ı 996 213. DO ENV 1991-2-2:1996 214. BS EN 1196 '1 998 215. BS EN 1047-1 1997 216. BS EN ·ı 047 217. BS EN 1020 1 998 218. BS EN 778 '1 998 219. BS EN 677 1998 Konu Specification for steels foı· fireci ancl unfired pressure vessels: seclions ancl bars Eclition of the Wiring Regulations: Guiclance Note 4: ProtecLion againsl fire. 2nd eclition Classification of insulating liquicls accorcling to fire point ancl net caloı·ific value Deterınination of golcl in golcl jewellery alloys. Cupellation ınethocl (fire assay) Methods of test for petroleum ancl its producls. Petroleum procl ucts. Delerminalion of flash ancl fire p Direct gas-firecl washing machines, of nominal heat input not exceeding 20 kW. Rational use of energ Direct gas-firecl washing nıachines, of nominal heat input nol exceecling 20 kW. Safety Direct gas-firecl washing machines, of nominal heat input nol exceecling 20 kW Eurococlc 2: Design of concrete slructures. General rules. SLruclural fire clesign (Logether with U) Basis of clesign ancl actions on structures. Actions on structures exposecl to fire (together with U) Doınestic ancl non-clonıestic gas-fired air heaters. Suppleınentary ı·e quiı·enıents for conclensing air heaters Secure sLorage units. Classification and nıethods of tesl for resistance to fire. Data cabinets Secure slorage units. Classification ancl nıethocls of test for resistance to fire Non-cloınestic gas-firecl forcecl convection air heaters for space heating not exceeding a net heat input Domeslic gas-fired forcecl convection air heaters for space heating nol exceeding a net heal input of 70 Gas-firecl central heating boilers. Specific ı·equirenıents for condensing boilers with a nominal heat inp --------------- Yangın ve Güvenlik m Sayı 44 Mayıs-Haziran '99 --------------- 1