BSI STANDARTLARI LİSTESİ / BSI STANDARTS LIST No 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 Kodu B5 EN 26 B5 EN 3-5 B5 EN 3-3 B5 EN 3-2 B5 EN 3 Yıl '1 998 1 996 ·1 996 1996 B5 150 1 3344 ·ı996 B5 150 1 1 925-3 ·ı 997 B5 150 11925-2 1997 B5 150 11925 B5 150 ·ı 1907-4 B5 150 11907-3 1998 B5 150 n 907-2 ·ı995 B5I5O1'1907-·ı 1998 B5 150 11907 B5 150 TR 108401993 B5 150 9239-1 1997 B5 150 9239 B5 150 TR 9122 Konu Gas-fired il7Stal7tal7eous water heaters for the productiol7 of clornestic hot wateı·, fittecl with atmospheric Portable fire extil7guisheı·s. Specificatiol7 a17cl supplerne17tary tests Portable fire extil7guishers. Col7structiol7, resistal7ce to pı·essure, rnechal7ical tests Poıtable fire extil7guishers. Tightl7ess, clielectric test, tanıpi17g test, special provisiol7s Portable füe extil7guishers Deterrnil7atiol7 of the lethal toxic poteııcy of fire efflueııts Reactiol7 to fire tests. lgııitabiliLy of builcli17g proclucls subjectecl Lo clirect inıpi17gement of flarne Reactioıı to fire tests. lgnitability of builcling proclucts subjectecl to clirect impingenıent of flame Reactioıı to fire tests. lgnitability of builcling pmclucts subjectecl to clirect irnpingernent of flame 1998 - Plastics. Srnoke geııeratioıı. Deten11iııatioıı of tlıe corrosivity of füe effluents. Dy17arnic clecornposit Plastics. Snıoke ge17eratio17, Deternıil7atiol7 of the corrosivity of fire efflue17ts. Dy17arnic cleconıposit Plastics. Snıoke ge17eratiol7. Deternıil7atiol7 of the cormsivity of fire efflue17ts. 5tatic nıethod Plastics. Srnoke ge17e1·atiol7. Deterrnil7atiol7 of the cormsivity of fire efflue17ts. Guidal7ce Plastics. 5nıoke ge17eratiol7. Deterrnil7atiol7 of the cormsivity of fire efflue17ts Plastics. Burııil7g behaviour. Guidal7ce foı· cleveloprne17t a17cl use of füe tests Reactiol7 to fire tests. Horizo17tal surface spread of flarne 017 floor-coveril7g systenıs. Flarne spread Reactiol7 to füe tests. Horizo17tal surface spreacl of flarne 017 flom-coveril7g systerns Toxicity testil7g of füe efflue17ts Yangın ve Güvenlik m Sayı 45 Temmuz - Ağustos '99 ' ' 1