BSI STANDARTLARI LİSTESİ / BSI STANDARTS LIST No 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 Kodu Yıl BS EN ıso 8469 1 995 ss ıso 5658-2 1 996 BS ıso TR 5658-1 -ı 997 ss ıso 5658 PD 6578 PO 6520 PO 6516 PO 6498 PO 5952 PO 5796 OD 190 OD 84 OD 64 OD 48 CP 3002 CP 101 9 CP 402 CP 3 1995 ·1 933 1 987 1 981 ·1 966 1 966 ·1 990 1 982 · 1 979 1 976 1 972 CP 3:Chapteı· iV -ı 948 BS MA 102 BS M 29 '1 986 1 967 Konu Snıall craft. Non-fire-resistant fuel hoses Reaction to fiı-e tests. Spreacl of flanıe. Lateral spreacl on building products in vertical configuı-at Reaction to fire tests. Spreacl of flanıe. Guidance on flanıe spre.:ıcl Reaction to fire tests. Spread of flanıe Guicle to British, European and international graphical synıbols, for use on equipnıent, for safety and fire Guide to fire test nıethods for builcling nıaterials ancl elenıents of construction Guicle to guarding fires ancl heating appliances Detail clrawings for fire propagation apparatus specifiecl in BS 476:Part 6: ·I 93-ı Steels for fireci ancl unfirecl pressuı-e vessels. Plates. Carbon steel plates (ı·inınıing steel) (not exceecl ing Steels foı· fireci ancl unfirecl pı·essure vessels. Plates. Carbon steel plates (senıi-killecl with alunıinium) Specification for peı-formance of alarms ancl emergency wiring systems uncler fire concl itions. Method of test for the resistance to freezing of gas-firecl instantaneous water heaters Guiclelines for the clevelopnıent ancl pı·esentation of fire tests ancl fm theiı· use in hazarcl assessment lclentification of fire extinguishers Oil firing lnstallation ancl seıvicing of electrical fire alarm systenıs Series of Cocles of Practice for fire fighting equipnıent ancl alarnıs Chapteı· iV - Cocle of basic clata fm the clesign of builcl ings. Precautions against fire Cocle of basic clata for the clesign of builclings. Pı·ecautions against fire (houses ancl flats of not) Specification for fire resistant fuel hoses foı· snıall craft Specification for hancl-operated portable fire extinguishers for aircraft Yangın ve Güvenlik m Sayı 45 Temmuz · Ağustos '99