Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 45. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 1999)

BSI STANDARTLARI LİSTESİ / BSI STANDARTS LIST No 268 269 270 27"1 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 - 284 285 286 287 288 Kodu Yıl BS C 6 1966 BS 8202 : Part ·ı 1 995 BS 8202 B57899:Part1 1997 BS 7899 BS 7867 1 997 BS 7863 1 996 BS 7807 1995 BS 7624 1 993 BS 7469 : Part ·ı ·1 99·1 BS 7469 BS 7327 BS 7287 ·1 990 BS 7273:Part 1 ·1 990 BS 7273 BS 7186 1939 BS 6896 1 991 BS 6809 BS 6795 BS 6644 BS 6391 '1 987 · 1937 199·1 1983 Konu Specification foı-aircraft engine nacelle fire extinguisher dooı·s Coatings for fire protection of building elernents. Cocle of practice for the selection ancl installa Coatings for fire protection of building elernents Cocle of practice for assessnıent of hazaı·d to life and health frorn fire. General guidance Code of practice for assessnıent of hazard to life and health fronı fire Specification foı· portable fiı-e extinguishers for use in aiıuaft Reconınıendations for colour coding to indicate the extinguishing nıedia contained in portable fire extingui Code of pı·actice for clesign, installation and seı·vicing of integrated systenıs incoı-porating fire detectio Specification for installation of donıestic direct gas-fired tunıble dı·yeı·s of up to 3kW heat input (2nd an) Specification for windows and side scuttles for fire-ı·esistant constructions. B class divisions Specification for winclows and side scuttles for fire-ı·esistant constructions Snıall fixed fire extinguishers Guide for the use of fiı-e-resistant hydraulic fluids Code of practice foı· the opeı·ation of fire protection nıeasuı-es. Electrical actuation of gaseous to Code of practice for the operation of fire protection nıeasures Specification for non-clonıestic gas-fiı-ed overhead ı·adiant tube heaters Specification for installation of gas-fired oveı-lıeacl radiant heaters for industı·ial ancl conırnercial heatin Method for calibration of radionıeters for use in fire testing Specification for full sequence autornatic control systerns usecl on gas-fired appliances Specification for installation of gas-fired hot water boilers of ratecl inputs between 60 kW and 2 MW (2nd Specification for non-peı·colatiııg layflat delivery hoses and hose assernblies for fire fighting purposes Yangın ve Güvenlik m Sayı 45 Temmuz - Ağustos '99