- B51 (İngiliz Standartları Enstitüsü) • • STANDARTLARI LiSTESi How BSI (Britislı Standarts Institute) Standarts List V. Bölüm Stlı Part Soıı 4 sayıdır yay111ladığımız BSI (İngiliz Staııdartları Enstitüsü) Standartları Listesi'niıı 220-306 numaraları arasıııdaki staııdartlarmı bu sayımızda yayuılaıııaya devam ediyoruz. No 220. 221 . 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231 . 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. Iıı tlıis issue, ıve go oıı pııblislıiııg tlıe staııdarts, ııumberet betıveeıı 220-306, of tlıe BSJ (Britislı Standart lııstitutioıı tlıat lıave beeıı pııblislıed iıı oıır !ast jour issues. Kodu Yıl 85 EN 671 85 EN 625 1996 85 EN 621 1998 85 EN 525 1998 85 EN 403 1993 85 EN 367 1992 85 EN 366 1993 85 EN 297 1994 EN54 85 EN 26 1998 85 EN 3-5 1996 85 EN 3-3 1996 85 EN 3-2 1996 85 EN 3 85 150 13344 1996 85 150 11925-3 1997 85150 11925-2 1997 . . BSI STANDARTLARI LiSTESi Konu Fixed fire fighting systems. Hose systems Gas-fired central heating boilers. 5pecific requirements for the domestic hot water operation of combin Non-domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters forspace heatiııg not exceeding a net heat inputo Non-domestic direct gas-fired forced convection air heaters for spaceheating not exceeding a net heat 5pecification for filtering respiratory protective devices with hood for self-rescue from fire Protective clothing. Protection against heat and fire. Methocl for cleterınining heat transmission on expo Protective clothing. Protection against heat and fire. Method of test: evaluation of materials and mate Gas-fired central heating boilers. Type 8$d1 $dl ancl 8$d1 $dl $d8Sd5 boilers fitted with atmospheric burne Components of automatic fire detection systems Gas-fired instantaneouswater heatersforthe production ofdomestic hot water, fitted with atmospheric Portable fire extinguishers. 5pecification and supplementary tests Portable fire extinguishers. Construction, resistance to pressure, mechanical tests Portable fire extinguishers. Tightness, dielectric test, tamping test, special provisions Portable fire extinguishers Determination of the lethal toxic potency of fire effluents Reaction to fire tests. lgnitability of building proclucts subjectecl to clirect impingement of flanıe Reaction to fire tests. lgnitability of builcling products subjectecl to direct impingement of flame Yangın ve Güvenlik mm Sayı 46 Eylül - Ekim '99