BSI STANDARTLARI LİSTESİ/ BSI STANDARTS LIST No Kodu Yıl Konu 272. B5 7899 Code of practice for assessment of hazard to life and health from fi re 273. B5 7867 1997 5pecification for portable fire exti nguishers for use i n ai rcraft 274. B5 7863 1996 Recommendations for colour coding to indicate the extinguishing media contained in portable fire extingui 275. B5 7807 1995 Code of practice for design, i nstallation and servici ng of i ntegrated systems i ncorporating fi re detectio 276. B5 7624 1993 5pecification for installation of domesti c direct gas-fi red tumble clryers of up to 3kW heat in put 277. B5 7469:Part 1 1991 5pecification for windows and side scuttles for fire-resistant constructions. B class divisions 278. B5 7469 5pecification for windows and side scuttles for fi re-resistant constructions 279. B5 7327 5mall fixed fire exti nguishers 280. B5 7287 1990 Guide for the use of fi re-resistant hydraulic fl uids 281. B5 7273 Part 1 1990 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures. Electri cal actuation of gaseous to 282. B5 7273 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures 283. B5 71 86 1989 5peci fication for non-domesti c gas-fi red overhead radiant tube heaters 284. B5 6896 1991 5peci fi cation for i nstal lation of gas-fi red overhead radiant heaters for i ndustrial and commercial heati n 285. B5 6809 1987 Method for calibration of radiometers for use i n fire testing 286. B5 6795 1987 5peci fication for full sequence automatic control systems used on gas-fi red appliances 287. B5 6644 1991 5peci fication for installati on of gas-fi red hot water boi lers of rated i nputs between 60 kW and 2 MW 288. B5 6391 1983 5pecification for non-percolating layflat delivery hoses and hose assemblies for fire fighti ng purposes 289. B5 6387 1994 5pecification for performance requi rements for cables required to maintai n ci rcuit integrity under fire c 290. B5 6327 1982 5pecificati on for fire protection of reci procati ng internal combustion engines 291. B5 6266 1992 Code of practice for fire protection for electronic data processing i nstallations 292. B5 61 73 1990 5pecification for instal lation of gas-fired catering appl iances for use i n all types of cateri ng establis 293. B5 61 65 1992 5pecification for small disposable fi re extingui shers of the aerosol type 294. B5 5991 1989 5peci fi cation for i ndi rect gas fi red forced convecti on air heaters with rated heat i nputs up to 2 MW for 295. B5 5990 1990 5pecification for direct gas-fired forced convection air heaters with rated heat inputs up to 2 MW for i n 296. B5 5978:Part 3 1989 5afety and performance of gas-fired hot water boilers (60 kW to 2 MW i nput). 5pecifi cation for add 297. B5 5978:Part 1 1989 5afety and performance of gas-fired hot water boilers (60 kW to 2 MW i nput). 5pecification for gen 298. B5 5978 5afety and performance of gas-fi red hotwater boilers (60 kW to 2 MW input) 299. 85 5871 :Part 3 1991 5pecifi cati on for i nstallation of gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative f 300. B5 5871 5pecification for installation ofgas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative fuel effect g 301. 85 5864 1989 5peci fication for installation in domestic premises of gas-fired ducted-air heaters of rated input not ex 302. B5 5601 :Part 3 1979 Code of practice for ventilation and heating of caravans. l nstallation of oi l fired heating applia 303. B5 5601 :Part 2 1978 Code of practice for ventilation and heating of caravans. l nstallation of solid fuel fired heati ng 304. B5 5576 1998 5pecification for fi re safety features of campi ng tents, awni ngs, trailer tents and caravan awni ngs 305. B5 5446:Part 1 1990 Components of automatic fi re alarm systems for residential premises. 5pecification for self-contai 306. 85 5446 Components of automatic fire alarm systems for residential premises ·- Yangın ve Güvenlik 1111 Sayı 46 Eylül - Ekim '99