No 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. BSI STANDARTLARI LİSTESİ / BSI STANDARTS LIST Kodu BS 5274 BS 4689 BS 4688 BS 4567 BS 4547 BS 4433:Part 2 BS 4433:Part 1 BS 4433 BS 4422:Part 7 BS 4422:Part 6 BS 4422:Part 5 BS 4422 BS 4066:Part 3 BS 4066:Part 2 BS 4066: Part 1 BS 4066 BS 3709 BS 3566 BS 3465 BS 3376 BS 3367 BS 3326 BS 3289 BS 3251 BS 3184 BS 3165 BS 3142:Part 3 BS 3142:Part 1 BS 3128 B5 31 16 BS 2845 Yıl Konu 1985 Specification for fire hose reels (water) for fixed installations 1980 Metlıod for determination of flash and fire points of petroleum products: Clevelancl open cup methocl 1971 Method for cletermination of flash point (open) ancl fire point of petroleum proclucts by the Pensky-Martens 1970 Fireguards for wall mounted fires 1972 Classi fication of fi res 1994 Domestic solicl mineral fuel fireci boilers with ratecl output up to 45 kW. Specification for gravity 1994 Domestic solicl mineral fuel fireci boilers with ratecl output up to 45 kW. Specification for boilers Domestic solicl mineral fuel fireci boilers with ratecl output up to 45 kW 1988 Glossary of terms associatecl witlı fire. Explosion detection ancl suppression means 1988 Glossary of terms associated with fire. Evacuation and means of escape 1 989 Glossary of terms associated with fi re. Smoke control Glossary of terms associatecl witlı fire 1994 Tests on electric cables uncler fi re conclitions. Tests on bunched wires or cables 1 989 Tests on electric cables uncler fire conclitions. Method of test on a single small vertical insulate 1980 Tests on electric cables uncler fi re conclitions. Method of test on a single vertical insulated wire Tests on electric cables uncler fire conclitions 1964 Portable fire extinguishers of the water type (storecl pressure) 1982 Specification for lightweight salvage sheets for fire service use 1962 Dry powder portable fi re extinguishers 1994 Specification for open fires burning solicl mineral fuels witlı convection, with or without boilers 1980 Specification for fi re brigacle and inclustrial ropes ancl rescue lines 1960 Portable carbon clioxide fire extinguishers 1990 Specification for textile carcase conveyor belting for use in unclerground mines (including fire performan 1976 Specification. lndicator plates for fire lıydrants and emergency water supplies 1959 Plastic fi re buckets 1986 Specification for rubber and plastics suction hoses and hose assemblies for fi re-fighting purposes 1970 Specification for manufactured solid smokeless fuels for householcl use. Specially reactive fuels f 1965 Cokes for clomestic open fires 1959 Constructional and performance requirements for inset open fires with boiler ancl witlıout convection Specification for automatic fi re alarm systems in buildings Coke burning inset open fi res without boiler and witlıout convection Yangın ve Güvenlik � Sayı 47 Kasım - Aralık '99