Yangın ve Güvenlik Dergisi 48. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 2000)

BSI STANDARTLARI LİSTESİ / BSI STANDARTS LIST No Kodu Yıl 399. CP327 400. CP 1 5 1 Part 1 1957 401 . CP 1 43:Part 10 1 973 402. CP 143:Part 1 1958 403. BS MA 77 1976 404. BS MA 27 1 974 405. BS 7655:Part8 1997 406. BS 7655:Part 8 407. BS 7655:Part 6 1997 408. BS 7655:Part 6 409. BS 7655: Part 5 1 997 41 o. BS 7655:Part 5 41 1 . BS 7346:Part 2 1990 412. BS 7346:Part 1 1 990 413. BS 71 90 1989 41 4. BS 6762:Part 3 1 989 41 5. BS 6762:Part 2 1 991 41 6. BS 6724 1 997 41 7. BS 6599 1985 41 8. BS 6332:Part 3 1984 419. BS 6328:Part 3 1 983 420. BS 6229 1 982 421 . BS 61 50 1 991 422. BS 5997 1980 423. BS 5979 1 993 424. BS 5872 1 980 425. BS5628:Part3 1985 426. BS 5502:Part 20 1 990 Konu Series of Codes of Practice for teleconınıunications facilities in buildings, including public and private teleph Doors and windows including franıes and linings. Wooden doors Code of practice for slıeet roof and wall coverings. Galvanized corrugated steel. Metric units Code of practice for slıeet roof and wall coverings. Alunıiniunı, corrugated and trouglıed Reconınıendations fortheco-ordination of diıııensions in shipbuilding: co-ordinating sizes for services Specification for siglıt-flow indicators for tank overflow systeıııs Specification for insulating and slıeatlıing ıııaterials for cables. Cross-linked sheatlıin Specification for insulating and sheatlıing nıaterials forcables. Cross-linked sheathing coıııpounds havin Specification for insulating and sheatlıing ıııaterials for cables. Thernıoplastic sheatlı i Specification for insulating and slıeathing nıaterials for cables. Thernıoplastic slıeathing coıııpounds havi Specification for insulating and sheathing nıaterials for cables. Cross-linked insulati Specification for insulating and sheathing nıaterials for cables. Cross-linked insulating conıpounds havi Conıponents for snıoke ancl heat control systenıs. Specification for powered sıııoke and lıeat exhaust ve Conıponents for sıııoke and heat control systeıııs. Specification for natural snıoke and lıeat exlıaust ve Metlıocl for assessing therıııal perforıııance of low teıııperature lıot water boilers using a test rig Services for leisure acconııııodation velıicles and transportable accoııııııodation units. Specification f Services for leisure accoııııııodation velıicles and transportable accoııııııodation units. Code of practic Specification for 600/1 000 V and 1 900/3300 V arnıoured electric cables having therıııosetting insulation and Metlıod for deterıııination of crushing strengtlı of iron ore pellets Thernıal perfornıance of donıestic gas appliances. Specification for tlıerıııal perfornıance of coıııbined Apparatus for connection to private circuits run by certain public telecoııııııunication operators. Sp Code of practice for flat roofs with continuously supported coverings Code of practice for painting of buildings Guide to British Standard codes of practice for building services Cocle of practice for reıııote centres for alarııı systenıs Specification for locks and latclıes for doors in buildings Code of practice for use of ıııasonry. Materials and coıııponents, design and worknıanslıip Builcl ings and structures for agriculture. Code of practice for general design considerations 427. BS 5395:Part 2 1 984 Stairs, ladders and walkways. Code of practice for the design of helical ancl spiral stairs 428. BS 5353 1 989 Specification for steel plug valves 429. BS 5351 1 986 Specification for steel ball valves for tlıe petroleunı, petrochenıical and allied industries Yangın ve Güvenlik il Sayı 48 Ocak - Şubat 2000