Detectioıı Brackets aııd Fusible Liııks -- A variety oftemperature ratings allow for customized detection options Pull Statioıı - Allows nıanual actuatioıı at a safe distance/rom the hazard PCL 300, 460 aııd 600 Cylinders - Iııcreased Agent Capacitymore volunıe andflow points Optioııal 304-grade Coııtrol Heads -- Chroıııe Nozzles and Caps -- Less to choosefrom nıeans less inventory to ınanage and greaterflexibility -also compliments your kitchen design Gas Slıııt Valves -- Electrical or mechanical designs automatically cut o.ff/uel supply to hazard area staiııless stee/ eııclosure - Encases tlıe agent cylinder and discourages tampering Easy to install. Mu/tiple designs activated by afusible link, tlıermal detector or manual pul/ station For more informatioıı. . . About the KITCHEN KNIGHT il systenı or other Pyro-Chem pre-engineered and engineered systems: ATTENDANT '" Gas Statioıı Fire Protectioıı MONARCH lııdııstrial Fire Protectioıı FıW-200 C/eaıı Ageııt Fire Protectioıı TRJTON"1/PCR Detectioıı & Coııtrol FLAG FiRE Hami Portable Extiııguislıers ELEKTRONİK